โ˜ ๏ธRace of Orcs and Undead

Once upon a time, there was a race that was cursed by a powerful magician, the whole castle in one night was lifeless, everything was in darkness.

Over time, the old citadel collapsed, the landscape was ruined, only the light of the moon shone down somewhere. But don't let that silence fool you. That castle now has a large number of walking skeletons, probably the people of that castle are cursed. They walked aimlessly, but there were still many undead with intelligence, intelligence, undead transformation.

Along with the Undead, under the city's underground caves was another race, unaffected by the curse. Orc monsters with large bodies, ugly shapes, wide mouths and fangs. But the number of Orcs increased so fast, that there was no place to live anymore.

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